Installing MKIV as described in This Way magazine is somewhat tricky. But first of all, I cannot get LuaTEX!
luatex.org is still under development; you should be able to download it soon. Alternatively, you should get the exact same binary at the GForge server at supelec.fr (http://foundry.supelec.fr/frs/?group_id=10), and you can try the minimal mswintex.zip distribution from the Pragma site (http://www.pragma-ade.com/download-1.htm).
And just for curioisty, where such names as Mark II and Mark IV come from?
They are simply numbers for the different TeX engines ... Hans dismissed 1, deeming we were already beyond that stage (but it could be traditional TeX, producing only DVI). Appart from that, we have: 2: pdfTeX 3: XeTeX (Mark III is much less spoken about, but is also very active ;-) 4: LuaTeX
-- Best regards, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky
You know, I've been reading your name a lot of times as you've written quite a few mails to the list, but it's the first time I realize that you actually have the same name as the great Polish TeX old timer and font developer, Bogusław Jackowski. Of course the Polish spelling is a bit different, but it's nevertheless the exact same name. I guess the Russian spelling is Яцковский? Arthur