Hello, I am trying to use ConTeXt to create my CV. I have succesfully placed the subject headings in the margin by using: \setuphead [subject] [alternative=text,distance=0pt,command=\MyHead] \def\MyHead#1#2{\inmargin{#1 #2}} When the text that follows the heading is a simple paragraph everything works as expected: Subject Text Text... Text Text... However when the first thing after the heading is an enumeration (or a table, for that matter) the enumeration is not aligned with the heading (it's lower than the heading): Subject * Item1 * Item2 I have tried to remove whitespace around the enumeration with the 'nowhite,joinedup' options but it is still not aligned. Is there a way to align the enumeration (and other non-inline objects) with the heading? Thanks, Alexandros