2007/8/9, Aditya Mahajan
On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
2007/8/9, Hamid Kamrani
: Aditya,
In the example you give with CMID you have only two column preambles whereas the table has 3 columns and if one adds the missing preamble then one gets an error. Some how your new code breaks the calculation for number of columns.
He forgot only to put a \NC before the \AR.
Sorry about that. I thought I pasted from a correctly running example.
Here is another attempt, which I feel is the cleanest way to go about this whole thing. Right now the skip between the columns is not configurable, but it should be possible to use the get the value of the skip.
The attached code typesets an example that Wolfgang had sent off-list. I have only changed two lines of the table.tex.
Hi Aditya, what do you think about \setuptables [\c!columndistance=2em] \def\!tfSetVrule{% \!thToksEdef\!taRuleColumnTemplate={% \noexpand\hfil \noexpand\vrule \noexpand\!thWidth \ifnum \!tgCode=1 \ifx \!tgValue\empty \the\LineThicknessFactor % Default integer \else \!tgValue % User-specified integer \fi \!taLTU % \LineThicknessUnit \else \!tgValue % User-specified dimension \fi ####% \noexpand\hfil \the\!taRuleColumnTemplate% % has \tabskips, when column number=0 \ifnum\!taColumnNumber=\zerocount\else\tabskip\@@ticolumndistance\fi}%ADDED (should be configurable) \!tfAdjoinPriorColumn} I changed your hard code 2em value for \tabskip to a parameter in \setuptables. Wolfgang