well, i got the minimals running by rerunnig first-setup.bat, it seems i installed the first time with -current which has some problems (i thought that'd be the stable one?). but the \showmathcharacters problems are still there, the table is empty and i get "pdfTeX warning: pdftex.exe: no GlyphToUnicode entry has been inserted yet!" using this layout "\setuplayout[backspace=1cm, rightmargin=0.58cm, width=fit, topspace=1cm, header=1cm, footer=1cm, height=fit]" i also get "! Dimension too large. \setvsize ...l \vsize \nofcolumns \mcscratchdimen \global \pagegoal \vsize \beginmulticolumns ...mnvsize \sethsize \setvsize \showcomposition \complexstartcolumns ...nstrue \beginmulticolumns \fi \fi \showmathcharacters ...\enccols ,\c!distance =2em] \def \dodefinemathsymbol ... l.6 \showmathcharacters" any ideas?