27 Feb
27 Feb
10:54 a.m.
Am 27.02.2011 um 11:01 schrieb Florian Wobbe:
what is the preferred way to set the maximum item depth for itemization with symbols?
With MkII it was possible to increase the itemlevel with the “levels” key but MkIV has a fixed depth which can’t be changed.
I can decrease the default value of 6 with \setcounter. However, increasing to values higher than 6 results in an error: "Missing number, treated as zero".
\maxitemdepth is a real counter and \setcounter won’t work here. The only thing you can do is to ask Hans to implement the “levels” key in MkIV. What you have to know is that this key is only used when you define a new list with \defineitemgroup, for a already existing group like “itemize” you can increase the depth. Wolfgang