On Jul 22, 2006, at 10:19, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans van der Meer wrote:
Sorry, but I think I do not yet understand and I do not get it right. Next is in a nutshell my setup of the environments, the relevant projects are syllabus-s and syllabus-p
My unsterstanding is that you do it like this:
% syllabys-s.tex \project syllabus \localenvironment syllabus-local-setup \starttext \stoptext
% syllabys-p.tex \project syllabus \localenvironment syllabus-local-setup \starttext \stoptext
% syllabus.tex: \environment syllabus-setup
% syllabus-setup.tex \writestring{global env settings}
% syllabus-local-setup.tex \startlocalenvironment[syllabus-s] \writestring{this is only for the screen version} \stoplocalenvironment \startlocalenvironment[syllabus-p] \writestring{this is only for the print version} \stoplocalenvironment
No, I must be my fault, but even with the above help I cannot get it working. As far as I can figure out the value of \currentproduct seems NOT to guard entry to the body of \startlocalenvironment[syllabus-s]. Although the manual here explicitely mentions "component or product", I cannot see that happen. Also \localenvironment seems to accept any file for reading instead of rejecting everything except the current product/component. In the code of core-job.tex I read: % more or less replaced by modes \setvalue{\e!start\v!localenvironment}[#1]% .... Must I conclude from this that localenvironments are more or less passe? So that I can better avoid them and use modes (after \enablemode) as discriminating criterium? Hans van der Meer