Hi Willi, thanks very much. My problem is that I really need to set up multiple types of frames - especially the two defined ones - the "circled" style shown and a "highlighted" style which puts a background with no frame and normal corners - and be able to call them anywhere in the document. If I \setupframed with just the definition of one of them then all my \inframed will come out one way. Is there a way of naming a setupframed definition so that I can set up, for example, \circleframed{} and \highlightframed{} commands? Thanks again! Duncan dh@capdm.com
\items[symbol=none,location=top]{{\inframed[frame=on,corner=round, radius=3mm
,offset=1mm]{demand-pull inflation}},{\inframed[frame=on,corner=round,radius=3mm,offset=1mm]{in comparison}},capital-intensive}
\items[symbol=none,location=top]{fixed assets,entrepreneurs,as a result,implementation}
\items[symbol=none,location=top]{situation,monetary,system,arbitra ge,stable}
\stoptext --
I have tried your code. If you setup framed then it works. Please refer to the attached inframed.tex