Ulf Martin wrote:
New day, new try (see below the quotation)...
this is up to gerben; afaik, in tex live at least TEXFONTMAPS=.;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}// was agreed upon, but then, tetex is not texlive, and therefore gwtex neither, but gerben is pretty fast in adapting esp on the mac, with multiple engines, we need the ability to distinguish between engines (the same is true for linux not that xetex has got there) [keep in mind that afaik dvipdfmx was never paryt of linux/macosx distributions, i was always in fptex, so that may be a reason why we now -since xetex needs it- run into such situations]
Hans Hagen schrieb:
Ulf Martin wrote:
Now I have problems with the default fonts. That is, when trying to use good old Computer Modern fonts (which are the default but called "Latin Modern", or?) then umlauts, bold face etc. don't work. Also, when MetaFont renders math symbols they become pixelized and don't scale.
Warning: pdfetex (file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/fonts/map/ dvipdfm/context/original-public-lm.map): invalid entry for `cmex8': font file missing
hm, this is due to the fact that context finds the dvipdfmx map files first [maybe it's time to get rid of map files altogether and switch to maplines]; either delete the files from the dvipdfmx pathm, or adapt yout texmf.cnf file
this is what it should be
TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfm = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvipdfmx = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvipdfm,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdftex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.pdfetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.xetex = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{xetex,pdftex,dvips,}// TEXFONTMAPS.dvips = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{dvips,pdftex,}//
TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//;$TEXMF/{$progname,pdftex,dvips}/{config,}//
but i'm not so sure if tetex does it this way
I checeked the installation. There are the following tefmf.cnf-look-alikes:
UMac:~ uma$ locate texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2003 /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/texmf.cnf.gwtex.tl2004 /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf /usr/local/teTeX/texmf.cnf.20060218134902
None of them contains any of the above-mentioned TEXFONTMAPS definitions. Which one would be correct to put them in? Or should I create another texmf.cnf in the home dir? Maybe (i-installed?) tetex works differently?
Thank you all for the replies for now already!