On Aug 12, 2023, 2:11 PM -0600, Hans Hagen via ntg-context
impossible to reply as impossible to see what is your and mine text here
Hm.. This new/modern email client (forced to update by the university) supports inline replies, and I can see the levels, but the distinctions between levels of reply appears to get lost when filtered by the ntg-context list (looking at the archives). So here it is again, with levels of reply made explicit:
On Aug 12, 2023, 9:35 AM -0600, Hans Hagen
\tfx causes a switch to computer modern.
Indeed. Something I need to discuss with Wolfgang as double checking is needed before I patch.
Ah.. ok.
But what if we want to scale independently of font switching?
There is no need to go lua here (esp when you have not done vf magick before and i'm not going to debug code that i have little clue what it's about to do).
Many thanks. Part of the context is that I have some updatable mission-critical documents that depended on \defineactivecharacter, which is apparently deprecated in LMTX. See earlier thread with that subject line. [BTW: Just this morning someone from the Persian Gulf asked for an updated version of a document whose compilation depended on \defineactivecharacter, so I need to get this working in the new regime -)] Now the templates that you provided - many, many thanks! - have what is needed to care of everything except for two characters: 02BE and 02BF. For one of those two remaining characters we also need scaling, for the other we also need scaling + rotation. It is not clear to me whether the scaling/rotation commands should fall under the character function, e.g., ======= -- ʿ ringhalfleft local function ringhalfleft (characters,target,base,accent) ======= the initialize function ======= local function initialize(tfmdata,value) ======= or whether we just make a new function altogether ======= local function scale (ringhalfleft) -- shooting in the dark here ======= So the reason I said CLD is best is because we already defined all of the needed characters that way -- using your template -- except for these two, for which we need to add scaling and or rotation.
The attached (linked in the previous email but attached here) gives us rotation but no scaling. - we cheat here and yuse glyph scaled (I have to provide a relative to current x/y scaling, don't use \glyphscale as that one is used by context itself - we use the style variant so that it adapts - you have to replace "Serif" with "YourFont" and map that one onto a file (YourFont YourFontBold etc) - more about these box manipulations in the low level manual
Ok. Just discovered the 11 low-level manuals yesterday, not sure which one to focus on in this case -)
\startsetups glyph:iTee \dontleavehmode\hpack\bgroup \setbox\scratchbox \ruledhbox \bgroup \glyphxscale 400 \glyphyscale 400 \getglyphstyled{Serif}{T}> choose a font here \egroup \scratchheight 2.75\ht\scratchbox \boxyoffset \scratchbox\scratchheight \boxorientation\scratchbox\plustwo \ht \scratchbox\scratchheight \box\scratchbox \egroup \stopsetups
\definesymbol [iTee] [\directsetup{glyph:iTee}]
\startTEXpage [offset=1ts,width=2cm] \ruledhbox {\tfx T \symbol{iTee}} \par \ruledhbox {T \symbol{iTee}} \par \ruledhbox {\tfa T \symbol{iTee}} \par \ruledhbox {\bfd T \symbol{iTee}} \stopTEXpage
Great, will study this. The challenge (for me) will be integrating this approach into the lua definitions of the two needed characters. With \defineactivecharacter deprecated, there seems to be no way other than CLD to make and register the needed macro for \definefontfeature -- and we want to move forward with the new regime and not look back. With many thanks and much gratitude, Hans. Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523