3) How can I include sounds to my PDF? Does it work with all Readers under all platforms, or not? What do I need to install?
You can't include them, you can only link to them (as like movies); I heard you could include media files since PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6), but never tried.
I include sound annotations into the PDF file. It worked even with PDF 1.4 (AR 5). The macros are described in the Czech TeX Bulletin 2/2002 (http://bulletin.cstug.cz/pdf/bul_022.pdf); unfortunately only in Czech language. But macro language is international ;-) Only article is here ftp://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/pub/cmp/users/zyka/publ/tex/bul/pdf-3/sound-bul.pdf All needed files are here ftp://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/pub/cmp/users/zyka/publ/tex/bul/pdf-3/birds.zip According to PDF Spec 1.4 (and newer) it should be possible even vith wideo annotations. But I was not successful to do it. I suspected that annotation plug-in does not fullfil all kind PDF Spec (e.g. Embeded file specification, URL - not local specification). Multimedia support in AR for Win is slowly increasing. For Linux there is no support for video/sound annotations yet. I do not use Mac but I think the situation is similar to Win. Vit Zyka -- Vít Zýka --- http://typokvitek.com Automatic document typesetting Automaticka sazba dokumentu -- --