Mikael P. Sundqvist mailto:mickep@gmail.com 4. November 2016 um 16:33 Thank you very much Wolfgang!
Now I can get exactly what I need, see the example below (also tested with my larger document, available at http://www.maths.lth.se/matematiklth/personal/mickep/analysB2ht16/analys-con...).
I'm very happy about this solution. Also, thanks to Hans for giving us this very nice tool (I usually only write to the list when I have problems, sorry)! With the new beta you can set a default prefix for enumeration references, i.e. you can write \startquestion[knuth] in your document without the need to add a question or answer prefix.
\setupinteraction[state=start] \define[1]\QuestionTextCommand {\doifreferencefoundelse{answer:\currentconstructionreference} {\goto{#1}[answer:\currentconstructionreference]} {#1}} \define[1]\AnswerTextCommand {\doifreferencefoundelse{question:\currentconstructionreference} {\goto{#1}[question:\currentconstructionreference]} {#1}} \defineenumeration [question] [text=Question, headcommand=\QuestionTextCommand, referenceprefix=question] \defineenumeration [answer] [text=Answer, headcommand=\AnswerTextCommand, referenceprefix=answer] \starttext \startquestion[knuth] \input knuth \stopquestion \page \startanswer[knuth] \input knuth \stopanswer \stoptext Wolfgang