I'm looking for a symbol similar to \lozenge, but squarer (like \Diamond in some LaTeX packages, see The Comprehensive Symbol List, p. 112). Any idea how I may typeset it in ConTeXt (MKIV)? \diamond is too small. I am using TeX Gyre Pagella Math if that matters. I also have a couple of questions about \showmathfontcharacters: 1) does that list show all and only the symbols available in the current font, or a predefined list of symbols? 2) The list shows a Unicode point for each symbol, but not the corresponding TeX command (if it exists). Say I need U+02B31 (three leftwards arrows), and I don't want to bother searching TCSL above. May I use the Unicode code point to define a control sequence in ConTeXt that prints the symbol? If so, how? Nicola