Sorry, Denis and I agreed to postpone it one week and meet on October _12th_, same time. I’ll send a reminder. Since there was not much interest, it wouldn’t make sense to start without him. And yes, you just open that URL*, agree to the privacy terms (yellow button, in case it comes up in German), enter your name and confirm ("start" or "participate", depending on if you’re the first), confirm you want to enter with microphone. Try it any time, just not this sunday evening. * should work with most modern browsers, i.e. Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, Opera, Edge; Safari doesn’t recognize my camera See you soon, Hraban
Am 01.10.2021 um 21:22 schrieb Alain Delmotte via ntg-context
: OK for me.
What is the way to attend: just log to https://lecture.senfcall.de/hen-rbr-rku-oke ??
Thanks for the proposal,
Le 30/09/2021 à 21:52, Henning Hraban Ramm via ntg-context a écrit :
Ok, how about Tuesday (October 5th) at 15:00 CEST (11:00 EDT, 21:00 SGT)?
Am 29.09.2021 um 07:09 schrieb Denis Maier via ntg-context
: Hi,
I think a regular online meetup would be great, and I agree with Hans that some way to collect topics would be nice. Re Time: I'd prefer Mo-Thursday during regular working hours (Central European Time), but maybe that should be offered at different times to accomodate for different needs?