On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Don’t use \textcomma in MkIV, it’s a math symbol and doesn’t scale when you change the relative font size.
a, b\textcomma\ c
{\tfxx a, b\textcomma\ c}
{\tfb a, b\textcomma\ c}
@Hans/Aditya: Is it a good idea to put “textcomma” in the mathspec entry (char-def.lua):
What is textcomma supposed to do? I see that it is defined and used in core-mis.mkiv and then redefined in char-def. My guess is that \textcomma and \textperiod were defined to be complementary to \mathcomma and \mathperiod, but this is not consistent with rest of the naming convention. (\text... begin text mode commands for symbols, and not math mode commands). Does anyone use \textcomma and \textperiod in math mode? I would suggest that we rename them to \puncuationcomma and \punctuationperiod, and add \textcomma and \textperiod as text mode commands (and remove the definition of \textcomma from core-mis) Aditya