* Taco Hoekwater
On 08/29/2010 08:50 AM, John Magolske wrote:
Is it inherently tricky to get Type1 PS Mac fonts working with ConTeXt & luatex on Linux?
It should not be.
load afm> reading /home/john/.fonts/SomeMacintoshPSfont.afm
Why the odd afm name? Is there a matching SomeMacintoshPSfont.pfb ?
There is a matching SomeMacintoshPSfont.pfb. The odd name has to do with me replacing the real font name with a made-up name in what I pasted into my email to the list. Maybe that's silly/overly-cautious ... but I think the license for that font doesn't allow converting it from a Mac PS font to a (Win?) PS font, generating afm files from it with type1afm, etc. Anyhow, to re-cap, I did: * go to the iMac & find a font named "SomeMacintoshPSfont" * use Fontforge to generate "SomeMacintoshPSfont.pfb" * use the type1afm utility to generate "SomeMacintoshPSfont.afm" * put these pfb & afm files in the ~/.fonts directory on Linux box * run `mtxrun --generate` * run `mtxrun --script fonts --reload` * view output of `mtxrun --script fonts --list --all` to get names for use in typscript. But it doesn't work for some reason... load afm > saving: SomeMacintoshPSfont in cache ... define fonts > source file 'SomeMacintoshPSfont' is not found Regards, John -- John Magolske http://B79.net/contact