On vrijdag, nov 15, 2002, at 17:48 Europe/Amsterdam, Hans Hagen wrote:
Since the last ConTeXt beta the typesetting of the greek capital letter PI doesn't work anymore in lucida (lbr). Small pi works >> though. Anyone knows why? And where to find it back?
Can you check type-syn.tex?
It should say:
\starttypescript [math] [lucida] [name] \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaBright]
type-syn.tex has the following code:
\starttypescript [math] [lucida] [name] \definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaBright] \definefontsynonym [MathExtension] [LucidaNewMath-Extension] \definefontsynonym [MathItalic] [LucidaNewMath-AltItalic] \definefontsynonym [MathSymbol] [LucidaNewMath-Symbol] \definefontsynonym [MathAlpha] [LucidaNewMath-Arrows] %\definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [LucidaNewMath-Roman] %\definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaNewMath-Roman] \stoptypescript
Then, in math-lbr, check for:
\definefamilysynonym [lbr] [ucgreek] [ex]
(seems that i messed around with some fonts when trying to solve some other symbol problem; lbr fonts don't use the nromal tex encoding, so in math-lbr symbols are mapped)
There I do not find [ex] but: \definefamilysynonym [lbr] [ucgreek] [mr] % [ex] \definefamilysynonym [lbr] [vargreek] [mi] Changing [mr] to [ex] there changes the representation but of course to nothing useful. However, it shows that this is the font involved. Typesetting with {\mi \Pi} does gives a letter PI, but the vargreek (slanted) form and not the upright fellow I want. According to the font table I have, PI should be in lbmr ([LucidaNewMath-Roman] in type-enc.tex) in position 5. I find [LucidaNewMath-Roman] in two places commented out in typ-syn.tex: %\definefontsynonym [MathBeta] [LucidaNewMath-Roman] %\definefontsynonym [MathRoman] [LucidaNewMath-Roman] I am still in the dark. Hans van der Meer