3 Apr
3 Apr
6:38 p.m.
Am 03.04.2011 um 18:30 schrieb Bernhard Rosensteiner:
Hi all,
sorry for the noise, indeed cmr have no smallcaps, but initially i used a adobe font for testing and here it didn´t work. It seems oldstyle and smallcaps fontfeature is not defined in the source anymore, so i had to define it myself and now all is ok.
“oldstyle” and “smallcaps” are defined in the core but they use “mode=auto” and in your example it doesn’t switch to node mode but use base mode and you don’t get smallcaps. Insetad of defining your own smallcaps feature you can enable node mode with \definefontfeature[oldstyle] [oldstyle] [mode=node] \definefontfeature[smallcaps][smallcaps][mode=node] Wolfgang