Hi Taco, I've found the miscreant. In my stylesheet I have \def\eDroppedCaps {\DroppedCaps {} {ptmr8r} {2.2\baselineskip} {2pt} {\baselineskip} {2}} and in my XML I have: \defineXMLcommand [dropped-caps] \eDroppedCaps and for some reason this screws up all paragraph indenting. Has this changed recently, because it used to work? Christopher On 14 Jan 2006, at 23:09, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
I've created a test file with this appended to your definition:
\defineXMLenvironment[p]{}{\par} \starttext \startXMLdata <body> <p>text</p> <p>text</p> <p>text</p> </body> \stopXMLdata \stoptext
And it nicely indents the second and third paragraph.
I would use \noindentation } instead of {\noindening} } but both possibilities work out fine here.
--------------------------------o00o-------------------------------- “Since light travels faster than sound, isn’t that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak” — Steve Wright