1. This sounded like a good solution: Despite the contextgarden wiki page, which says:
;; AUCTeX defaults to mkii; change to iv for iv and lmtx (ConTeXt-Mark-version "IV")
this seemed like a good idea,
(custom-set-variables '(ConTeXt-Mark-version "lmtx") '(ConTeXt-engine "lmtx"))
but on my system the error just changes: Running `ConTeXt Full' on `context-test' with ``texexec --engine=lmtx --nonstop context-test.tex'' /usr/bin/texexec: Zeile 2: mtxrun: Kommando nicht gefunden. auctex apparently stops using the command "context" directly, but via texexec. 2.
Apparently, your Emacs doesn’t use the same PATH as your terminal. The error message is from /bin/sh, I guess you usually run bash, zsh or the like, and that gets its PATH from .bashrc or something like that. Check how Emacs calls that script, and if you can define a PATH.
I tried the method from https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ExecPath and set explicitly a path as (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("-Path as in Bashrc-"))) Does not work. 3.
And the information in AucTeX on how to change that is frankly deficient.
Exactly. It is a little absurd that it should be so difficult to tell auctex anything.
To the point that I, who am an Emacs user for almost everything, when I write in ConTeXt I prefer to use Vim.
I started using emacs in the nineties on a college mainframe, so I am not (yet) ready for vim:) Thanks a lot for your tips, I shall write if and when I find a solution. Jürgen --- Prof. Dr. Juergen Hanneder Philipps-Universitaet Marburg FG Indologie u. Tibetologie Deutschhausstr.12 35032 Marburg Germany Tel. 0049-6421-28-24930 hanneder@staff.uni-marburg.de