Hello, I have few questions about command \installlanguage. First, in file lang-ini is command \setuplanguage for default language. It has parameters lefthyphen, righthyphen and hyphen. I would like to ask if these parameters can be used in command \installlanguage or not and what is their funcionality becouse I have tried use command: \setuplanguage[cz][lefthyphen=@,righthyphen=@,hyphen=€] and I didn't see any changes. I thought it's used to setup hyphen mark when the word is spilt at the end of line but I still get symbol - Also I would like to know whats the difference in \date and parameter date in \installlanguage? In parameter date in \installlanguage are curly backets, it's just some mask for command \date? Or those two are entirely different? Thank you answers. Tomas Pustelnik