Many thanks for the enlightening answers. The explanations about xml solved question 1 and \startmatrix\stopmatrix solved question 4. I'm now crunching xml input and handling it half in lua and half in tex (and I'm verry happy about it). I'm still struggling with a few points though (with context standalone beta on ubuntu): 3) I'm flowing text around mathematical text with graphic ornaments (overlay) but the bounding box from metapost (red) and from TeX (black) on the following minimal example aren't the same which produce all kinds of "flowing text" issues. is there a way/an option for framedtexts with overlay to get the max width/height size of the main content + overlays ? \startusableMPgraphic{myFrame} numeric o, l, m ; path a, b ; pair c ; picture d; d = textext.rt(\MPstring{Content}) ; draw (unitsquare xyscaled (OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) shifted (-OverlayWidth/2,-OverlayHeight/2)) withpen pencircle scaled 1pt withcolor green; draw (d enlarged 2cm) withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 2pt; draw boundingbox currentpicture withpen pencircle scaled .1mm dashed evenly withcolor blue ; \stopusableMPgraphic \defineoverlay[myOverlay][\useMPgraphic{myFrame}] \defineframedtext[myStatement][frame=off] \setupframedtexts[myStatement][backgroundcolor=lightgray,background=myOverlay,width=\textwidth,autowidth=force] \starttext \framed[fit]{\startmyStatement TEST \stopmyStatement} \stoptext 3b) I found a dirty workaround by making metapost draw the texts and the graphics (through mpstring) but then, i can't embed graphics in my Tex-text. Is there a way to have graphics inside MPstrings that goes inside metapost ? About question 2, Context doesn't produce svg okey...but tikz and metapost can produce svg. So, is there a ConteXt setup/systems calls/a (simple or not) workaround to make metapost/tikz produce svg files ? Like some script that I could run on my snipets ? I would really like to produce svg from my metapost/tikz pictures Best regards, Olivier