20 Aug
20 Aug
7 a.m.
Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
Dear consortium,
Switching to oldstyle is easy:
\usetypescript [modern][\defaultencoding] \usetypescript [map] [latin-modern-os] [\defaultencoding] \setupbodyfont [modern]
But how do I locally switch back to upright? Declaring
I don't think you can, actually. There are no metric files for oldstyle in the latin modern distribution, only an encoding vector (and .map). Pdftex either uses entries from the 'lining' map file, or from the 'oldstyle' mapfile, but it has no way of distinguising between the two (the fonts have the same metrics). The reverse of the old oldstyle trick should work though: \def\liningfigures#1{\mathematics{#1}} Cheers, Taco