On 12/8/2018 00:03, Alan Braslau wrote:
As I wrote, "rendering" to footnotes as elements of a "list" can be done, and your cross-reference *is* the footnote index. We have not written setups that do this already as I have never needed this format myself, although it is rather common in certain fields. "Pulling-in" blocks of text in general (without a basis) is not the aim. Again, the entire point is to associate fields to an entry, and the notion of a "list" is more general than a traditional bibliography list.
Well, you have my vote for moving it up the priority list. I would request that the implementation allow additional text beyond the rendered entry, as demonstrated in the cited example document, in the footnote (or endnote, or marginnote). As you note, it is a common requirement in some fields. It is also quite useful in earlier stages of larger projects where it is important to document sources (for circulation copies) but one is not ready to tackle the design and generation of more formal backmatter. -- Rik