Dear Wolfgang and Hans, First, other user in KTUG succeeded to get the colorful output of your sample file. This means that there is a problem in my system.
You can do a manual update of the database with
mtxrun --script fonts --reload
After running the above command, I got the right output of the command "mtxrun --script font --list --file hanbatang*" But there was another problem in my TeX file. Korean in my file is "precomposed characters", so I changed it to triplet by the help of Dohyun Kim, KTUG. (Someone who have an interest, please check the following: http://www.ktug.org/xe/?document_srl=176946&mid=KTUG_open_board&rnd=176962#comment_176962) After fixing two problems, I succeeded to have colorful output. Thank you so much for this nice new feature. Best regards, Dalyoung