Am 30.12.2011 um 02:52 schrieb dalyoung:
Dear all,
Sometime ago, I asked the same question and got replies. However, I couldn't make it work and I didn't try since then.
Now, I am asking the same question again with a hope.
I have several Korean fonts whose name contains a blank space.
For example, in KoPubBatang_Pro family, there are 3 fonts: KoPubBatang_Pro Light (font file name is "KoPubBatang_Pro Light.otf") KoPubBatang_Pro Medium (font file name is "KoPubBatang_Pro Medium.otf") KoPubBatang_Pro Bold (font file name is "KoPubBatang_Pro Bold.otf")
You can download the fonts from here: http://www.mcst.go.kr/web/notifyCourt/notice/mctNoticeView.jsp?pSeq=6870
Here is a sample code:
\definefont[test][KoPubBatang_Pro Light.otf]
Remove the space: \definefont[test][file:kopubbatangprolight*default] Wolfgang