Dear list, I create booklets with the following source: \setuppapersize[A5, landscape][A4] \setuparranging[2UP] \setuplayout[page] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupinteractionscreen[option={landscape,paper}] \starttext \def\Doc{xml-mkiv.pdf} \getfiguredimensions[\Doc] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\externalfigure[\Doc][page=\recurselevel, width=\textwidth]} \stoptext In this case, I need to impose the resulting PDF file again: \setuppapersize[A5, landscape][A4] \setuparranging[2TOP] \setuplayout[page] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupinteractionscreen[option={portrait,paper}] \starttext \def\Doc{booklet.pdf} \getfiguredimensions[\Doc] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\externalfigure[\Doc][page=\recurselevel, width=\textwidth] \externalfigure[\Doc][page=\recurselevel, width=\textwidth]} \stoptext Generating this second booklet (from the same PDF document), LMTX generates a resulting PDF document which is four times bigger than the one generated by LuaTeX. In fact, these are the file sizes: 1.2M Mar 4 18:38 xmlpdf-lmtx.pdf 321K Mar 4 18:41 xmlpdf-luatex.pdf It seems as LMTX was (almost) disabling PDF compression on the second imposition. Would anyone be so kind to confirm this issue? Many thanks for your help, Pablo