On 5/3/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Hi, Is the mp support for btex...etex broken in the latest context (ConTeXt ver: 2006.04.27 15:59) The following does not compile,
\starttext \startMPpage label(btex This is a test etex, origin) ; \stopMPpage \stoptext
I get an error
! Unable to make mpx file. l.123 label(btex This is a test etex
Even an mp file
beginfig(1) label(btex hello world etex, origin) ; endfig end;
with texexec --mptex gives the same error message.
Can somebody confirm this? Or is something broken at my end?
First of all: 1. in case you are using windows, update "texmfstart.exe" from cont-win.zip (you have to do that every now and then) 2. check that "texexec" is a synonym (for example texexec.bat under windows or an executable) for running "texmfstart [new]texexec" 3. Hans would say that you have to use "textext" instead of btex ... etex I doubt that this came with the latest distribution. The btex/etex and textext functionality is a bit broken anyway: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It depends a lot on the system that you use (MikTeX/tetex/standalone), on texexec that you run (texexec or newtexexec), how you run it (a batch/shell script with "texmfstart [new]texexec" or from linux/windows binaries that come with other distributions than the standalone one). It might also be that "write18" is set to off, it might be that some \runMP[TEX]graphic[s]true, \forceMP[TEX]graphic[s]true are set to false (chech your cont-usr.tex file). (I don't know which variable does what, but if you try to use an undefined one, TeX will complain anyway. Check the sources or try to switch on all the possible combinations of the commands mentioned above.) Since the topic is already open: Hans, if you find out what is going on with those input-ed strings, can you please also check what has to be done to enable "textext" under XeTeX? The more combinations I try, the more I break the system as the whole, so that I even had to reinstall everything. How does "runtexmpjob" know which TeX engine to use? Here the labels are processed with pdfTeX instead of being processed with XeTeX. I also have some problems with defining the proper font for those labels, but that's another story anyway. Thanks a lot, Mojca