On Fri, 26 May 2006, Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
Le 26 mai à 18:10:43 Willi Egger
écrit notamment: Hi Jean Magnan,
You should add \useMPlibrary[txt] in order to get textext working. Further define AX as a path only. In the dummy-graphic say drawdblarrow AX.withcolor blue;
After these changes I got the label as well as the double arrow. Hi, thanks to you and Renaud; I changed my file to this: ................................... \setupoutput[pdftex] \runMPgraphicstrue \useMPlibrary[txt]
\setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setupcolors[state=start]
\startMPinclusions numeric u; u=.8cm; path AX; AX=(10u,0)--(0,0)--(0,10u); \stopMPinclusions \starttext \startuseMPgraphic{dummy} pickup pencircle scaled .8mm; drawdblarrow AX withcolor green; label.rt(textext("$3x^2+\pi$"), (5u,6u)); \stopuseMPgraphic
\placefigure[left]{bla.bla}{\useMPgraphic{dummy}} \input dawkins \stoptext ...................................
I get the same "unknown" in place of the label. On computer one (my everyday machine) context is provided by TeX-Live, and I made the same experiment with my computer two where context is installed via TeTeX. Same result on both!
This file compiles fine here (Windows XP + ConTeXt ver: 2006.05.17 10:08). I get proper text in the right location.
I Think I have followed normal installation procedures (enabling write18 etc.) So I'm confused Thanks for any more help!
Your first message said that you were running texexec.pl. Try switching to texexec.rb, i.e., invoke context with texmfstart texexec <filename> Aditya