Dear Group, Thank you for your time. I'm starting out with TeX/ConTeXt, but want to arrive via LuaTeX (`luatex-plain.tex/fmt`). Managed to build, move and use `luatex-plain`. Have the same problem under MacOSX & Win7 (here is the Win-specific decription -- `%CTX%` is my ConTeXt root): Placed some fonts under `%CTX%\tex\texmf-fonts\otf\minion\` & `%CTX%\tex\texmf-fonts\otf\myriad`. Executed, the following commands, recognising there might be redundancy, but not sure): mtxrun --script fonts --update --force mtxrun --script fonts --update --simple mtxrun --script fonts --update mtxrun --script fonts --list --pattern=minion Result: minionpro minionprobold MinionPro-Bold.otf minionprobold minionprobold MinionPro-Bold.otf minionproboldit minionproboldit MinionPro-BoldIt.otf minionprobolditalic minionproboldit MinionPro-BoldIt.otf minionproit minionproit MinionPro-It.otf minionproitalic minionproit MinionPro-It.otf minionpronormal minionproit MinionPro-It.otf minionproregular minionproregular MinionPro-Regular.otf `hello.tex` - luatex-plain test file: %[luatex-plain] Hello % font\T =minionproregular at 12pt\T Hello world. \bye Executed: luatex-plain hello.tex Result: fonts : font with asked name 'minionproregular' is not found using lookup 'name' fonts : unknown font 'minionproregular', loading aborted ! Font \ch=minionproregular at 12pt not loadable: metric data not found or bad. Looked in `%CTX%\tex\texmf-cache\luatex-cache\generic\fonts\data` at the file `luatex-font-names.lua`. The fonts were listed. Then deleted the `luatex-font-names.luc` file, added the full paths to the fonts in front of all the file names in the `.lua` file. Running `luatex-plain hello.tex` again, works now as expected (it seems to recreate the `luatex-font-names.luc` automatically). Setting `OSFONTDIR` before font update and/or before running `luatex-plain`, have no observable effect. So, I do have a manual fix/solution. But is there an easier way? Thanks in advance, -- Aíre Funvake