9 Jan
9 Jan
5:26 p.m.
On 1/9/12 6:19 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
I would not be surprised if at the next context meeting Thomas will have one ... (and doing a presentation using the upcoming high res macbook, ipad 3, this keyboard, a 3d beamer with greek/latin/german/english in parallel) .. after all, he's set the standard now
Nope, I need to keep a low profile. When I was innocently fiddling with my macbook air and my ipad at a conference a month ago, a colleague called out "you're such a poser!" So next conference I will try to impress by being under-equiped: 8 year old clunky laptop running BSD without graphical desktop, and showing black-and-white printouts instead of using a projector. That'll learn them! Thomas