Am 13.03.2010 um 17:17 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 13.03.10 14:27, schrieb Andreas Harder:
would you provide an example of how to use this information?
%D some low level helpers %D %D \starttyping %D \def\TestLookup#1% %D {\dolookupfontbyspec{#1} %D pattern: #1, found: \dolookupnoffound %D \blank %D \dorecurse {\dolookupnoffound} {% %D \recurselevel:~\dolookupgetkeyofindex{fontname}{\recurselevel}\quad %D }% %D \blank} %D %D \TestLookup{familyname=helveticaneue} %D \TestLookup{familyname=helveticaneue,weight=bold} %D \TestLookup{familyname=helveticaneue,weight=bold,style=italic} %D \stoptyping
You can ask ConTeXt to look for a font in it's database with the keys
- familyname (e.g. TeX Gyre Pagella or Latin Modern Roman) - weight (normal, bold, light, medium etc.) - style (normal, italic) - variant (normal, smallcaps) - fontname (e.g. texgyrepagellaregular) - …
Thank you Wolfgang! I've played with it, but with \TestLookup{familyname=minionpro,designsize=11pt} no fonts are found. By the way, is luaTeX able to use ttc-fonts? Andreas