I should add, perhaps, that I am using MKII, since adapting this project to
MKIV is not feasible.
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Alan Bowen
I am trying to construct an index of passages and have run into a curious problem:
The test file is: \defineregister[Passage][Passages] \setupregister[Passage][n=1,% balance=yes,% pagestyle=\tfx\em,% textstyle=\tfx,% criterium=all,% interaction={pagenumber},% ] \setupregister[Passage][indicator=no,distance=0.5em]
See \Passage{Simplicius+{\em In de caelo}+483.15--19}483.15--19. \page See \Passage{Simplicius+{\em In de caelo}+477.3--4}477.3--4
The result is an index that puts 483.15–19 *before* 477.3–4 as in Simplicius *In de caelo* 483.15–19 *1* 477.3–4 *2* rather than after. How can I fix this?