Hi everyone, I am using the following sort of structure: Latest news: \startitemize[distance=7.5em,leftmargindistance=2em,] \sym {Bob Loblaw} blah blah blah \sym {Sally Smithers} yada yada yada \stopitemize However, I wanted to achieve a "packed" list, so I tried Latest news: \startitemize[packed,distance=7.5em,leftmargindistance=2em,] \sym {Bob Loblaw} blah blah blah \sym {Sally Smithers} yada yada yada \stopitemize and, as you can see if you try it, the "packed" is completely ignored. I discovered that using either the distance= or the leftmargindistance= parameters "cancels" the "packed". I looked at the documentation I could (relatively easily) find, and I have not discovered either (1) why distance and leftmargindistance "cancel" packed, nor (2) how to uncancel this cancellation. I can work around this in a number of ways (including setting \setupitemize[1][width=<some suitable amount>] ) but I'd prefer to avoid kludgy work-arounds if at all possible. Can anyone tell me The Right Way to do this? Thanks. Jim