Adam Lindsay wrote:
In OpenType fonts, \i doesn't compose well with accents, unlike normal TeX fonts. Therefore a couple more definitions (at least) are needed in enco-acc: \defineaccent ' {\i} {\iacute} \defineaccent ` {\i} {\igrave} % etc.
ok, added
I had the toughest time getting strings like \v!january to switch language. I found that this change (from \currentmainlanguage) fixed the inability to \ShowLanguageValues. In lang-lab: \def\labellanguage{\defaultlanguage\currentlanguage} \def\headlanguage {\defaultlanguage\currentlanguage}
dangerous and wrong, better \gdef\ShowHeadText#1{\tttf#1\VL\mainlanguage[\currentlanguage]\headtext{#1}\VisualizeLastSpace} \gdef\ShowLabelText#1{\tttf#1\VL\mainlanguage[\currentlanguage]\labeltext{#1}\VisualizeLastSpace}
Another bug in visualisation was no doubt brought on by the switch to low level english. In s-mod-00: \VL \ShowLabelText \subsection \VL\MR \VL \ShowLabelText \subsubsection \VL\MR ... changes to... \VL \ShowLabelText \v!subsection \VL\MR \VL \ShowLabelText \v!subsubsection \VL\MR
With that done, I noticed a few smaller bugs in the lang-* files. I am not an expert in any of these languages, so all of my recommendations are subject to verification by people who know what they're doing!
In lang-grk, a copy-paste error was propagated: \s!fi => \s!gr
In lang-ura, the Hungarian word for abbreviations has a typo: R\"ovid\'\it\'esek => R\"ovid\'it\'esek (or R\"ovid\'\i t\'esek)
In lang-sla, the Polish word for part has an \ecedilla, which I'm guessing should be an \eogonek... Ust\c{e}p => Ust\k{e}p (probably!)
corrected (some day i'll change all these into \namedglyphs)
In lang-ita, The Catalan word for March is spelled with a \,. That's probably a cedilla: mar\,c => mar\c{c}
Finally, I've done some work filling out enco-uc with characters used in the other encodings and (especially) characters used in the lang-* files. It's attached. I have a couple questions that remain for experts:
Greek: I defined \Greekleftquot as a guillemot, as a guess. Is that right?
Cyrillic: The Unicode codepoint for \cyrilicii completely baffled me for a while. (I don't have a copy of the t2a/b fonts here with me to take a look for myself!) According to Unicode, it should be the same as \cyrillici, but that can't be right. I'm now guessing that since it appears the same as the roman 'i' in enco-cyr, it corresponds with U+0456: CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I. Is that right?
The additions to enco-uc are attached. I would be ever so grateful if they found their way into the distribution!
ok, added btw, we can also need to extend the utf (unic-*) files
By the way, although these seem like complaints, I must say (again) that
hm, bug are bugs, no complaints -)
the plumbing supporting arbitrary encodings, accents, and input regimes in ConTeXt is absolutely fantastic. Making XeTeX work with ConTeXt is really quite trivial compared to the efforts being expended on the XeLaTeX side!
ah, that's good news; i already got pessimistic seeing the stream of patched needed for latex that pass by on the xetex list Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------