1 Apr
1 Apr
11:50 a.m.
Maybe related:
Printing on a network printer (from a Mac through Skim) prints the first page correctly, at the top of the second page it prints: -------------------- ERROR: invalidfont OFFENDING COMMAND: definefont
/Font -dictionary~ /YYMGGN+LinBiolinumO --------------------
Printing from Acrobat Professional works correctly.
FYI: the issue is official now and related to printing OpenType PostScript fonts (i.e. Linux Biolinum). Mac users, you may want to consider not upgrading to 10.6.7 right now. See also: http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20048314-263.html http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2792142 http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2791830 Best, Florian