Hi Hans, Thanks for all the help. I have progressed a lot with the tips you gave me. Now, I have two problems: 1) I can run "texmfstart newtexexec.rb --autopdf --pdf myfile.tex" from Windows command line, but when I click on Build in SciTE's Tools menu, it says: "THe system cannot find the file specified." I don't which file it is mentioning. 2) I have copied the scite-ctx.properties file to SciTE's path, but I still dont' get the wrapping and other ctx functionality. I guess helping a new user is really a pain in the neck, but please bear with me. Thanks for your time. Regards, Hooman Javidnia, Ph.D. Candidate Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng. The University of Western Ontario London, ON, N6A 5B9 Tel: (519) 661-2111 ext. 88270 email: javidnia [AT] engga [DOT] uwo [DOT] ca