On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Peter Münster wrote:
On Tue, Sep 21 2010, Johan Sandblom wrote:
Is there a way to instruct \typefile to ignore the last four lines of the outputfile? I assume defining an alternative command which does just that is not too difficult, but sadly beyond me.
It seems, that it's not possible at the moment. There is a tracker item for this feature: http://tracker.luatex.org/view.php?id=475
Not hard to do, just no interface. We can change buffers.range so that it accepts {1,-4} to mean from first to last-4 lines, and then just set \typefile[lines={1,-4}]{filename} In any case, it is easy to define a lua function that does this. \startluacode function buffers.stripfromend(name, count) local str = buffers.loaddata(name) if str and str~= "" then local lines = str:splitlines() local line, n, action = 0, 0, buffers.typeline local first, last, m = buffers.strip(lines) last = last - count m = m - count for i=first,last do n, line = action(lines[i], n, m, line) end end end \stopluacode \unprotect \def\strippedtyping#1#2% count file {\begingroup \tttf \let\obs\specialobeyedspace \ctxlua{buffers.stripfromend(\!!bs#2\!!es, #1)} \endgraf \endgroup} \protect \starttext \strippedtyping{4}{filename} \stoptext To use this with t-filter, you can just say readcommand=\strippedtyping{4}, Aditya