On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Peter Münster
On Thu, Apr 17 2008, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
After nearly one and a helf years and 2 major revisions I have nearly finished my module and would will make it now available also to other users. But before I make my last stable version online I want to discuss a few points with interested users.
Hello Wolfgang,
Already in advance: thank you very much! With such a module, I can finally forget really all about LaTeX. Sometimes I still use scrlttr2.cls and at these moments I swear to write a letter module one day. Now I know, that I won't need to do this difficult (for me) task.
You're free to your own interface for the module, i.e. it is possible to change the way to change the user interface. I provide besides my default interface also one to use the one from Donald Knuth in the TeXBook and also the interface from Hans Hagens m-letter.
Before I start to give you information about my module and give you the chance to mention your own wishes or thoughts about the inteface I'm interested what do you use currently to write you own correspondence (letter, invoices etc.).
First, I used lettre.cls (LaTeX class). It has one really great feature: the vertical spaces are recalculated at every pass, in order to get a last page filled at least to 50%. Without this, you can easily get a second page with only the closing and the signature.
Then, for some reason that I forgot, I switched to scrlttr2.cls. And I patched it to get the same minimum-50%-feature. Unfortunately, this patch is no more working with recent versions of scrlttr2... (-> http://pmrb.free.fr/work/OS/LaTeX/lettre.lco )
I would welcome such a feature in your module!
I dont't have such a feature in the module I find it interesting. Page breaks before the signature can still happen at the moment because I hadn't done anything against this problem but it is on my Todo list. Wolfgang