On 2021-07-21, Gerben Wierda
On 19 Jul 2021, at 09:56, Nicola
wrote: On 2021-07-18, Gerben Wierda
wrote: PS. switching \kap and \bf has an interesting result, the first character of the words is not in bold. This did not happen with lettrine in mkii
I do not have an answer to your question, but I'd like to point out that you can keep using lettrine with ConTeXt LMTX, if you wish. You just need to add the modules manually, currently:
I’ve tried this. Installed the modules and then I get with
I was sure that I had used lettrine with MKIV in a document of mine, but after your reply I double checked that and, in fact, I was using lettrine only with MKII. On the plus side, I have recovered my settings for MKIV (which work with LMTX as well). I think that the `distance` parameter of \setupinitials does what you want. Besides, if your font provides real small capitals, you may use \definefirstline. This is how I set up things in one of my documents: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definefontfeature[default][default][protrusion=quality,expansion=quality,onum=no,lnum=yes] % \definefirstline below requires a font that implements small capitals as % a feature (Latin Modern does not). I have used this: % \definefontfamily[mainfont][serif][Sorts Mill Goudy] [ % tf=name:Sorts Mill Goudy Regular, % it=name:Sorts Mill Goudy Italic, % ] % If you don't have the font above, try this: \setupbodyfont[heros] \setupbodyfont[mainfont,11pt] \definemeasure[CAindent][12pt] \setupindenting[yes,\measure{CAindent}] % Every chapter body text starts with a drop cap: \defineinitial[normal][ n=3, m=1, distance=18pt, %%%%%%%%% <== Add this %%%%%%%% state=start ] % Special case: drop cap starting with a quote \defineinitial[quote][ n=3, m=2, distance=13pt, hoffset=5pt, % Move drop cap a bit to the left method=none ] % Some initials may need special adjustments, depending on the font \defineinitial[Q][ voffset=2\lineheight, n=3, m=1, distance=18pt, state=start ] % Full first line in small caps \definefirstline[smallcapsfirstline][ alternative=line, style=smallcaps, ] % First n words in small caps (three in this case) \definefirstline[smallcapsfirstlinethree][ alternative=word, n=3, style=smallcaps, ] \starttext \setfirstline[smallcapsfirstlinethree] \setinitial[normal] Suppose we have a system for the approval of loans. \input knuth \blank[2*big] \setfirstline[smallcapsfirstline] \setinitial[quote] “Suppose we have a system for the approval of loans.” \input knuth \blank[2*big] \setfirstline[smallcapsfirstline] \setinitial[Q] Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos1 eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia? \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I hope this will give you some ideas! References: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/setupinitial https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/definefirstline https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Sorts-Mill-Goudy Nicola