Hullo. I've got a problem with the rendering of the "authoretaltext" — it doesn't put a space between the last name and the &al text. Result: * "Peeping, Tom; Crapper, Johnin ostali." Expected result: * "Peeping, Tom; Crapper, John in ostali." --[snip]-- \setupheadtext[sl][pubs={\sca Literatura\blank[line]}] \setuppublicationlist [title={{\sca\naslov} \blank[line]}, % totallist=6, author=\invertedauthor, artauthor=\invertedauthor, editor=\invertedauthor, namesep={; }, lastnamesep={ in }, finalnamesep={; }, authoretallimit=10, authoretaltext={ in drugi}, artauthoretallimit=10, artauthoretaltext={ in drugi}, editoretallimit=10, editoretaltext={ in drugi} ] \setuppublicationlayout[knjiga]{ \insertauthors{}{: }{}% \inserttitle{\bgroup\sc}{\egroup}{}% \insertrevision{ (}{)}{\unskip}% \insertpubname{, }{}{\unskip}% \insertcity{, }{}{\unskip}% \insertpubyear{ }{.}{}% } --[snap]-- Any help appreciated. Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 www: http://matija.suklje.name xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org