In ConTeXt it's useful if you can think around some edges: Such a line is a frame with only one frame line. This "frame" forms the background of your header. Ergo: \setupbackgrounds [header][text][frame=off, bottomframe=on] \setupbackgrounds [footer][text][frame=off, topframe=on] I was going to ask exactly the same question. Unluckily, what you did here does not work very well for me - the line is quite below
On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 10:36:51PM +0200, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote: the header text, I would really like to have it closer... \setupheader[after={\hairline}] does not work as the hairline is not below the text but starts at the left border... Maybe someone got another idea? Greetings, ALeX -- ... Alexander Klink ... undergraduate in Mathematics with Computer Science ... alech@alech.de ... at Darmstadt University of Technology ... alech@3komma141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974.de