Just for (meta)fun, I tried a few experiments with transparent colors. The example below gives a black circle instead of a red one. Is it that transparent colors aren't part of metafun -- which I can easily live with since color printing is too expensive still, alas -- or have I omitted an essential command? ==================== cut here ==================== \runMPgraphicstrue \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \startreusableMPgraphic{a} % _inline_specials_ := true; % had hopes for this line, but no luck % next line taken as an example from mp-spec.mp fill fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor transparent(8,.3,red); \stopreusableMPgraphic \placefigure[force,none]{}{\reuseMPgraphic{a}} \stoptext ==================== cut here ==================== The metapost output (testfile-mpgraph.1) always contains the following color setting, no matter what arguments I pass to transparent() : 0.123 0.003 0.001 setrgbcolor Which is close to black. (This is all with ConTeXt 2006.08.08. The live ConTeXt gives a square saying "undefined".) -Sanjoy `A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves.' -- Bertrand de Jouvenal