Hello, again, Sorry for not being able to respond so quickly, household duties.... Here is a code that behaved unexpectedly in my view, but as I narrowed it to be useful here, I think I identified the wrong assumption that triggers the behavior i have seen. I was using both deepnumbercommand and deeptextcommand along with command. If i move the \switchtobodyfont into mychapter definition and erase the \deep...command, all is working well. What do you think? \setuppapersize[A4][A4] \define[2]\mychapter {\framed[frame=off,width=local,align=middle,location=top,frameoffset=0pt]% {\startalignment[middle]\tfd{{#1}}\\\tfb{#2}\stopalignment} } \setuphead[chapter] [% deepnumbercommand={\switchtobodyfont[modern]}, deeptextcommand={\switchtobodyfont[modern]}, command=\mychapter, header=high, align={middle,nothyphenated,verytolerant}, ] \starttext \chapter{The Village of Ink} \stoptext Thank you, Daniel