Wolfgang, Thanks so much for your help! It works exactly as I desire. Bart On Thursday 13 November 2008 01:36:11 am Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Bart C. Wise
wrote: Wolfgang, thanks so much for your help so far.
I was able to take the code and make it work correctly to stretch the chapter title. What I want is two lines for a chapter head. For example, Line 1: "Chapter One" Line 2: "Title for Chap 1"
I want line 1 to be stretched. Everything I have tried does not work. I can get the "Chapter" word to stretch, but not the whole line (and it should probably be treated as a whole line when stretching). I was never able to get the chapter number (now a word) to stretch.
So how do I grab the output for line 1 and then stretch it?
Here's a sample of what I have without any stretching:
\def\Myheader#1#2{% \framedtext[width=0.60\textwidth, frame=off, align=middle]{% \vbox{\headtext{chapter}~#1 \blank #2}}}
\def\englishnumbers#1{ \ifcase#1 \or ONE\or TWO\or THREE\or FOUR\or FIVE\fi} \defineconversion[englishnumbers][\englishnumbers]
\setupsection[chapter][conversion=englishnumbers] \setuphead [chapter][ command=\Myheader, textcommand=\bfd, ] \setupheadtext[chapter=CHAPTER] % used by \headtext \starttext \chapter{Title for Chap 1} \processfile{tufte} \stoptext
\def\Myheader#1#2% {\framed [width=0.60\textwidth, frame=off, align=middle] {\determineheadnumber[chapter]
\expanded{\stretchednormalcase{CHAPTER~\convertnumber{englishnumbers}{\curr entheadnumber}}} \blank#2}}
\def\englishnumbers#1{ \ifcase#1 \or ONE\or TWO\or THREE\or FOUR\or FIVE\fi}
\setuphead [chapter] [command=\Myheader, deeptextcommand=\stretchednormalcase, textstyle=\bfd]
P.S. If there's a better way to do the number->word conversion, let me know.
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