I'm trying to use with Context makecirc a metapost library to draw electric circuits, but I have problems with the labels of the circuits element that are not displayed correctly. FIRST EXAMPLE (No labels are displayed) ------------- \starttext \startMPinclusions input makecirc; \stopMPinclusions \startstaticMPfigure{circ1} u:= 1cm ; source.e((0,0u),DC,90,"\Delta V","2V") ; resistor.a((2u,1u),normal,90,"R_1","1$\Omega$") ; resistor.b((2u,-1u),normal,90,"R_2","2$\Omega$") ; wire(S.e.p,R.a.r,udsq) ; wire(S.e.n,R.b.l,udsq) ; wire(R.a.l,R.b.r,udsq) ; \stopstaticMPfigure \usestaticMPfigure[circ1] \stoptext ----------------- SECOND EXAMPLE (In the first circuit are displayed the labels of the second one and in the second only ?? are displayed) ----------------- \starttext \startstaticMPfigure{circ1} input makecirc; u:= 1cm ; source.e((0,0u),DC,90,"\Delta V","2V") ; resistor.a((2u,1u),normal,90,"R_1","1$\Omega$") ; resistor.b((2u,-1u),normal,90,"R_2","2$\Omega$") ; wire(S.e.p,R.a.r,udsq) ; wire(S.e.n,R.b.l,udsq) ; wire(R.a.l,R.b.r,udsq) ; \stopstaticMPfigure \usestaticMPfigure[circ1] \startstaticMPfigure{circ2} input makecirc; u:= 1cm ; source.e((0,0u),DC,90,"\Delta V","4V") ; resistor.a((2u,1u),normal,90,"R_3","3$\Omega$") ; resistor.b((2u,-1u),normal,90,"R_4","4$\Omega$") ; wire(S.e.p,R.a.r,udsq) ; wire(S.e.n,R.b.l,udsq) ; wire(R.a.l,R.b.r,udsq) ; \stopstaticMPfigure \usestaticMPfigure[circ2] \stoptext -- Andrea De Michele