11 Apr
11 Apr
11:12 a.m.
Am 11.04.2011 um 09:37 schrieb Florian Wobbe:
so to make style=... also work on the header the trick was to change \bTH Header \eTH to \bTD Header \eTD.
What is the purpose of \bTH \eTH then? BTW the Wiki says: "Please take account of the fact, that the head cells are enclosed by \bTH and \eTH (and not \[be]TC)."
\bTH seems to only override style=... since "\bTD Header \eTD" is repeated correctly with \bTABLE[split=repeat,setups=table:style].
\bTH … \eTH is usefull when you want bold headers without any other changes on the style, they prevent also alignment of the cell content when you try to align numbers while \bTD … \eTD are better when you use the setup-commands. Wolfgang