On 14 Sep 2024, at 21:46, Florent Michel
wrote: TL;DR: Could building LuaMetaTeX with the `-fPIC` flag for the Lua library have negative consequences? Is there a better way to be able to call external C functions from ConTeXt?
This seems a bit drastic. Why can’t you achieve what you want to achieve by using other methods? For example you could setup a workflow whereby you pre-calculate your DE’s and format the results to include as input files. Or you could pre-calculate your DEs and plot them using one of any number of plotting programs and include the plots as TIFFs or PNGs. If you’re familiar with compiling C code using tools like `make` then why not use a makefile to control the production of your DE plots and your ConTeXt document to ensure that everything is consistent? If you absolutely must run the DE calculations as the ConTeXt document is processed then there is \executesystemcommand. — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK