how can I suppress the extra line in the header of the example on contextgarden (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Tabulate#Headers)? Removing header=repeat from \setuptabulate helps but I'd like to keep header repetition.
Hi Florian,
wrapping it into a “\placetable”-float seems to get rid of it
Hi Philipp, in deed it does with \placetable[here]. I should have added that I wrapped it inside \placetable[split] to split the table over several pages. Unfortunately this messes up the header lines: \setuptabulate[split=yes,header=repeat] \starttabulatehead \HL \NC {\bf format char} \NC {\bf meaning} \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulatehead \placetable[split]{none}{% \starttabulate[|r|l|] \dorecurse{20}{ \NC c \NC centered \AR \NC l \NC left aligned \AR \NC r \NC right aligned \AR \HL} \stoptabulate } Best, Florian