Dnia 2012-10-26, o godz. 05:13:51
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 26.10.2012 um 00:12 schrieb Marcin Borkowski
: Hi,
I'd like to have all my document set flush left. I know how to set a \framed flush left, or \startalign ... \stopalign - but what about the whole? (In my current case, the document is basically a (mid-aligned) title and then one big itemgroup, so I added [align={right,broad}] to the \startitemize - but what about the general case? \raggedright did not work, at least for the itemization.)
Where is the minimal example?
\starttext \showgrid
\input knuth
\startitemize \startitem \input knuth \stopitem \stopitemize
So do I get it correctly that \setupalign[flushleft] affects *everything but itemizations*? (If yes, my problem is more or less solved.)
Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University