Am Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 12:56:33PM +0100 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 11/18/2021 10:29 AM, juh via ntg-context wrote:
Hi all,
is there a parameter to have multiple lines in a cell in a spreadsheettable? see end of m-spreadsheet ... they are just natural tables
I found this code on the wiki % mode=mkiv \setuppapersize[A5] \bTABLE \setupTABLE[c][each][alignmentcharacter={number->.},aligncharacter=yes,align=middle] \bTABLEhead \bTR \bTH Same-Width Prefix \eTH \bTH Varying-Width Prefix \eTH \bTH Same-Width Suffix \eTH \bTH Varying-Width Suffix \eTH \eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody \bTR \bTD \$1.00 \eTD \bTD \$1.00 \eTD \bTD 1.00\% \eTD \bTD 1.00\% \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD \$10.00 \eTD \bTD \$\$10.00 \eTD \bTD 10.00\% \eTD \bTD 10.00\%\% \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD \$1.0 \eTD \bTD \$1.0 \eTD \bTD 1.0\% \eTD \bTD 1.0\% \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD \$10.0 \eTD \bTD \$\$10.0 \eTD \bTD 10.0\% \eTD \bTD 10.0\%\% \eTD \eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE It sets the text of bTH like p{4cm} in LaTeX in several lines. But this does not work with my invoice code: \startspreadsheettable[test][frame=off] \setupTABLE[c][each][alignmentcharacter={number->.},aligncharacter=yes,align=middle] \startrow[topframe=off,bottomframe=on] \startcell[align=flushleft] "Anz" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft, width=9cm] "Beschreibung" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] "MwSt" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright] "Einzeln" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright] "Gesamt" \stopcell \stoprow $for(positions)$ \startrow \startcell[align=center] @ "0.2f h" $it.stunden$ \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] "$it.name$" \stopcell %<-- this cell should be like p{4cm} \startcell[align=flushright] @ "0.2f \percent" $it.mwst$ \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright] @ "0.2f €" $it.stundensatz$ \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright] @ "0.2f €" (A[row] * D[row]) \stopcell \stoprow $endfor$ \startrow[topframe=on] \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft, style=bold] "Gesamt netto" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright, style=bold] @ "0.2f €" sum(E) \stopcell \stoprow \startrow[topframe=off] \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] "Mehrwertsteuer" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright] @ "0.2f €" 0.19 * E[row-1] \stopcell \stoprow \startrow[topframe=off] \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft, style=bold] "Gesamtsumme" \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushleft] " " \stopcell \startcell[align=flushright, style=bold] @ "0.2f €" E[row-1]+E[row-2] \stopcell \stoprow \stopspreadsheettable The key between $ are variables which get filled by pandoc.